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  1. D

    How to limit CPU frequency at early boot?

    hmm. I only knew msr-tools to read and write to the registers.
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    How to limit CPU frequency at early boot?

    @dos2unix Hmm. Well then do you know a way to enable Turbo Boost at runtime? Do you know any program? If not, then do you have any idea what MSR registers Throttlestop writes data to unlock TB? I think I had seen it somewhere in a post.
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    How to limit CPU frequency at early boot?

    @dos2unix Yes I can disable Turbo Boost in firmware, but unlike Throttlestop on Windows, there isn't a program that I know that can easily enable TB again at runtime. I would manually have to write to the MSR registers which I am not knowledgeable about. Does the Kernel not have anything to...
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    How to limit CPU frequency at early boot?

    I am on a machine that has a hardware problem, and the only workaround is to limit the CPU frequency by a little. On Ubuntu, I always keep the performance mode to power saver, so that it always boots at 800 MHz, and then I can increase it using cpupower. But what I have noticed is that in the...
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    Prefetching in Linux?

    I don't think it's necessary to only start a thread if you have a real problem. I started this thread to make my experience better, and not particularly fix any problem. Then you are just not sensitive enough or don't care about the performance loss. My guy, that is not the cache I am talking...
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    Prefetching in Linux?

    @bob466 I don't have any "problems". I am too sensitive to notice that my programs launch just a little late. I should disclose it that I have 8 GB of RAM. Anybody no matter if 16 gigs or 4 gigs of memory does equally run a high memory workload, after closing it they will have all their cache...
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    Prefetching in Linux?

    @Aristarchus @bob466 I have configured swapiness to a higher value, but only because I have some stability trust issues, so I want the kernel to allocate enough memory to the programs and not conserve too much. And because of that, I would not increase the cache pressure, but maybe I would try...
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    Prefetching in Linux?

    @osprey What?? Why does my specs matter at all? I just wanted to know if there is something similar to Sysmain on Linux which can prefetch data as cache.
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    Prefetching in Linux?

    Sometimes when I am done with heavy web browsing, the system is not as fast as a fresh reboot. One thing is that a lot of the memory has been paged, but I can just disable and re-enable the swap space to load all the paged memory back in RAM. But the other thing is a lot of my cache is gone, and...
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    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    @osprey Drop caches is something I can do, but it just clears some type of cache, so not even all cache, and I want to completely disable caching rather than clearing it every time. Just for experimental purposes of course. @CaffeineAddict Right now, I am referring to the cache numbers...
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    Can I completely stop memory caching?

    Just for experimental purposes, I want to try completely disabling any memory caching that goes on at runtime. Only memory that is really needed should be allocated. Is something like this possible?
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    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    @Freepoorman That is so AI generated :rolleyes:. Well what you recommended might be useful, IObit uninstaller can track what programs right where and uninstall it itself rather than using the crappy uninstaller the program comes with. This in GNU/Linux would be hard though as package...
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    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    @Freepoorman @Condobloke I will definitely try those programs, but I wanted to know, that if there is a program which can track what programs write where. Like on Windows, there is IObit uninstaller.
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    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    One of my main reasons to switch to GNU/Linux is the lack of bloat. But I was a little wrong. On Ubuntu right now. The system can generate quite a bit of bloat. And I have a tendency to mess around in the deep to remove bloat, and I end up breaking the system, as I have done now. I am really...
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    Trying to find an android gaming emulator.

    Of course I did the reasearch. All of the mentioned are not gaming oriented. Playing games in them is pretty much not possible.
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    Trying to find an android gaming emulator.

    Tried Waydroid. It isn't gaming oriented and I think is not even much emulation. Took a look into other options, but all of them are not gaming oriented, just running some apps. Is there any hope?
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    Audio crackling on Ubuntu.

    On earphones, there is loud audio crackling sometimes when audio is played. The results I have found show to change the sampling rate in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf. I don't have a daemon.conf. Only a client.conf, which does not have the setting written in it. Do I still write the setting in that, or...
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    The latest is LTS or normal release (Ubuntu)?

    I am not choosing 23.10 because of preferences. I am genuinely confused. So if support for 23.10 ends, I have to switch to the LTS line-up? So there won't be another normal release following 23.10 for me to upgrade to? Well ya if you see that 23.10 released in October and has a life span of 9...
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    The latest is LTS or normal release (Ubuntu)?

    I like to be on the newer side and don't mind updating like every 9 months or whatever that time period is, so I should be looking at the normal release, right? When I go to download Ubuntu, they mainly show and recommend be to download the latest 24.04 LTS version. The latest non LTS version...