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  1. D

    Do I necessarily need rufus or another tool to install an OS iso on a laptop with a usb boot?

    Asking just for clarification. Does the USB image writer supplied with Mint Cinnamon still work well? With the exception of the very first time I downloaded a Linux iso, it's what I've always used. But it's been a while. :D
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    Linux (I use MINT) Browsers and VPNs

    Just sharing what I use. Nord VPN and Brave browser. As far as I know, I don't use any add ons or extensions at all. As far as I know, I've yet to have any issues.
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    Downloading photos from my phone or digital camera

    I connect the two via usb cable then just use the file manager to move the files.
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    Linux (I use MINT) Browsers and VPNs

    I used Firefox for a long time, but switched to Brave Browser at some point. And I've been using Nord VPN for a couple of years now. I have no complaints so far.
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    Advertising on Mint Cinnamon

    I don't have a single useful thing to add to this thread, but I do submit an observation. I been following this thread, ok, most of the threads here, just to add to my own personal knowledge. And it's fascinating to see how a lot of the threads, including this one, often stray far from the...
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    Linux and Golf

    I hope I offended no one when I posted my golf course experience. I'm not knocking the game of golf, or any other sport. I'm just one of those people that have little interest in sports in general.
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    Linux and Golf

    Well, I've been using Linux Mint for a little over a year now. So, no expert. But I know more about Linux than I do golf. True story here. The last time I was on a golf course was the summer of 1973. I took a shortcut while riding my Suzuki TS185 trail bike. The shortcut took me right through...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    Update. I figured it out! I found the command "ip addr show" and ran it on the problem machine. Somehow, and I don't know how, has been changed to After that, all I had to do was go to the other computers and run sftp://[email protected]/ in Nemo on each one, add it...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    Thanks for the input guys. I'll keep gnawing at the issue. I do understand that some things are easier done from the CLI. However, I'm not working on a network with 6000 computers. Just 3 or 4, all with just one user. In fact, all four computers are set up as close to exactly the same as I...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    Hi GatorsFan. And thanks for the tip. I checked out the suggested thread. That may be the way I have to wind up going but I need to learn a little more. For one, in the example commands given, is the word "localhost" meant to be entered verbatim or should an IP address be substituted? Same for...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    Well, apparently the issue has evolved rather than resolved. I disabled suspend on both boxes and rebooted with no effect. However, Just to check, I fired up the laptop, Same thing.Here's where it now stands vis a vis connectivity on my little home set up. All 3 computers running 21.3. On all...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    I tried resetting the router. No change. Screen saver is already on. I could turn off suspend, but doing so doesn't tell me what the issue is. I can live with the odd behavior, I just want to know what the actual problem is and thought perhaps one of you learned folks have ran into this problem...
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    ( Solved ) Odd sftp issue

    So, I've got a small home setup using a ISP ( comcast ) provided router. Two computers, both running Mint 21.3 and a printer. Ok, I've got two more, but the laptop is shut down right now and the Mint/ widows dual boot HP is gathering dust in the closet. At any rate, all boxes are running...
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    low disk space on filesystem root even though I barely have any apps/files

    My first thought was, check and see if Timeshift has been storing snapshots unattended and filled root.
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    Another Gimp install question

    Allrightee then. I went ahead and installed the Appimage. G'MIC-QT seems to work. The buggy color picker tool is fixed. No joy on getting Resynthesizer to work though. If I get that working, I'll mark this as solved.
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    Another Gimp install question

    Hello dos2unix and Mike. Thanks for the input. I was following a thread about a bug in the color picker tool on the and learned of the Gimp Appimage there. It can be found at From what I now understand...
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    Another Gimp install question

    Hello. Earlier, I posted a question about adding a plugin for Gimp. That was a no go as the plugin needed some Python 2 dependencies not available in Mint 21.3 so I dropped the idea. However, I'd like to upgrade to the latest version of Gimp as it has a bug fix for the color picker tool. I...
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    VirtualBox and USB

    I don't recall the steps offhand, but after guest editions are installed, you still need to enable a usb controller in the settings for the virtual machine in question.
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    Wanting to install a plugin for Gimp

    Thanks for the help Alexzee. The Github site is a bit confusing to me, just not used to the format. I managed to unzip the plugin and get it installed but it doesn't work. None of the tools show up in any of the menus. From what I read, there are some python 2 dependencies needed that aren't...
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    Wanting to install a plugin for Gimp

    Hello all. I don't know if anyone here can help, but perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. Ok, here's my situation. I'm running Mint 21.3. I have Gimp 2.10.30 installed. It is NOT installed as a flatpack. In fact, I don't have any flatpack packages installed. The course I am...