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  1. MikeRocor

    Post a screenshot and the config of your Conky

    To start with, I reverted from the BDE wall paper back to my old one because it's much less distracting. I deliberately chose a conky layout and single color that are very subdued because I wanted it to be "visible but not distracting" rather than "eye catching". It's offset from the left hand...
  2. MikeRocor

    What is the equivalent of the DOS batch file?

    Dang it dos2unix, You just had to use the "A" word, didn't you!? In the course of moving, I've run across my old Amiga 1000. Dunno if I still have a monitor that will work with it (probly not) nor if I have any working diskettes for it (sadly, also probly not). Definitely not the hard disk...
  3. MikeRocor

    What is the equivalent of the DOS batch file?

    In my first role where I wrote Unix scripts for administrative purposes, my mentor advised me to always write scripts for the bourne shell ( #!/ ) because they will work on pretty much any unix / linux system. Since then, I've lightened up a little in that regard such that if a scripting...
  4. MikeRocor

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    I had the same issue but with a background that was a design rather than a photo and I was able to stretch it without too much trouble. The envane background that was used in one of the old DSL 3.x releases - I stretched it until the rectangular bits were 1920x1080 then pasted the original...
  5. MikeRocor

    Please allow me to introduce myself...

    Welcome to the forum, old timer. :) Do you also remember running spinrite on those old systems and having the entire system magically become three or four times faster? That was an eye opener for me. A lot of folks paid big bucks and still suffered with horribly slow computers just because...
  6. MikeRocor

    Change distros or just rename...

    <TIC footnote="1"> So, it turns out the BDE is due to explode in about three weeks with a massive litter of one, count them: "one", puppies. My dilemma is this: In honor of the occasion, should I A) switch to "Puppy" linux or B) just relabel my current distro as "Tiny Core-gee" or C) just post...
  7. MikeRocor

    Got a new PC

    I'm looking at a 128 GB SSD (which seems silly, since the USB 3 stick I'm fooling around with now is twice that size but whatever - the USB 2 stick that I copied the boot system from is only 16 GB and it was mostly free space. I'll probably leave the plate spinner untouched from the linux side...
  8. MikeRocor

    Got a new PC

    As it turns out, I have a $25.00 Amazon gift card in my wallet -right now- (and I never actually shop Amazon)... and I know someone nearby who has Amazon Prime for free shipping... and I can get an adapter and a modest sized M.2 thingy from Amazon for -just over- 25 bucks (of course), so ima...
  9. MikeRocor

    Got a new PC

    Dang it! If I end up spending money on this thing, I'm blaming you. 2000 or 3500 MBS... YeeeHa!
  10. MikeRocor

    Hey everyone

    Welcome newbies. And don't worry - Like me, after a couple of decades you'll be... well, what do you know... still a noob! But one with lots of experience. It's lots of fun that way.
  11. MikeRocor

    Got a new PC

    I toyed with the idea of finagling an ssd into it, and I might still go there some day... On the other hand, that would take it out of the realm of "free" (which really fits my budget pretty well right now). :) Windows would probably benefit hugely from having an SSD as the boot drive...
  12. MikeRocor

    Got a new PC

    ... Well, new to me, anyway. A friend, whose significant other passed away and left behind a PC, gave me the whole setup. I was expecting some junk that I would strip of anything valuable and then toss but I was pleasantly surprised to be handed a 22" AOC monitor (1920x1080) and a 2012 vintage...
  13. MikeRocor

    [info] Easy way to sort alphabetically a mess of words in a text file

    I've been making do with the standard sort command and generally haven't found it lacking. Does sortabc improve upon sort?
  14. MikeRocor

    bad gateway error 502

    I see the bad gateway error much more often than I should (which would be "never") and just assumed it was because some (non-foss) web server software (or database backend) was exceeding its licensed number of concurrent connections. This (possibly wildly erroneous) idea seemingly supported by...
  15. MikeRocor

    Books are Worthless Nowadays.

    I just tossed a hundred pounds or so of old books last week. Almost all of them were old computer related books - some on the subject of the old DOS era programs (Lotus 123 etc etc), full sets of the manuals from Netware 3.12, stuff like that - the sort of thing. Even though I can't imagine...
  16. MikeRocor

    i don't find the file .history in my home

    I suppose some shell built-in commands might be a little... "bashful". :) Sorry - I couldn't resist.
  17. MikeRocor

    Funny meme

    That's the essence of it, though it would be more accurate to think of it as "Switch User DO". You can (assuming you have the authority) switch to to any user ID then "do" something. If you don't specify another user, the default is to switch to "root". We often say "superuser" when referring...
  18. MikeRocor

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    I got a decent pic of the BDE the other day and had to make a wallpaper out of it. It looked kinda dumb with the conky display on the right, so I turned that off. My icon bar -really- disappears in the grass (that's a good thing). The firefox icon is only visible because I parked the mouse on...
  19. MikeRocor

    Use a Flash Drive or an SD card as Ram?

    It's like zipping a file - you compress the data to fit more stuff into the same space. If your cpu is fast enough (and most are) the compression/decompression is transparent so it just looks like you have more RAM than you really do.
  20. MikeRocor

    Use a Flash Drive or an SD card as Ram?

    Does anyone else find it really interesting that we use some of our RAM (as buffers) to make our slow disks seem really fast (if horribly expensive) and some of our disk space (as swap) to make our RAM seem really huge (if horribly slow) and we do both of these things at the same time - and it...