Search results

  1. ghostanon

    For The Record

    For the record, if you are interested in pentesting and you're brand new, I think you should absolutely use Kali. Any professional athlete or anyone who is competes at a high level will say, "practice how you play." You can't go to the batting cages and hope to be a great wide receiver. So...
  2. ghostanon

    Why do you do it like that?

    This is a question I get asked somewhat frequently. It is the question of why do you install Kali on bare metal. Well, actually there's a couple reasons, using a VM on a laptop in the field is slow to say the least and there's some issues when it comes to connecting to networks or using a VPN...
  3. ghostanon


    I was curious if anyone is using LLVM extensively or has any experience with it. What was the usecase you used it for? What can it be used for? I'm looking to get some more indepth info about how this can be utilized at more specific usecase scenarios rather that just system wide.
  4. ghostanon

    Need some assistance with LLVM

    I would like to build the LLVM-AMDGPU backend but I am really confused about how to even start. I have compiled and installed llvm-17 and clang. It was done through the llvm-project so there's other related files. If anyone is familiar with that process I'd like to hear from you. My...
  5. ghostanon

    Kali is packin on the pounds

    I hate to say it, but Kali is getting bloated and heavy. I'm not sure what the devs are doing but this push for gnome is not something I'm thrilled about. They keep adding tools, alot of which are non-functioning, need repair or are a knock off version of something already installed. There...
  6. ghostanon

    What is your home set-up?

    Something that has always interested me was the different set-ups that people have, especially gamers. I always wonder when I read posts, "is this person sitting on the couch with a laptop, are they working from home and just commenting from time to time, so on and so on. I was hoping maybe...
  7. ghostanon

    Be Aware

    There's a new ransomware on the move that is disguised as a windows update. Big Head ransomware and a couple offshoots have been seen in the wild. Oddly enough it is appending the files it plants in the registry keys with ".poop" so if you got a spyware box...I mean windows machine and you see...
  8. ghostanon

    Compiling bitcode header

    I am hoping to find some direction or preferably actual help. I've finally ran out of talent when it comes to Linux toubleshooting. As some may know I have been struggling to get OpenCL to work in my AMD 7900xtx. I think I have finally figured out the issue: === CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG ===...
  9. ghostanon

    China releases it's first distro

    It's ann open source distro called OpenKylin. Apparantly it has a community of about 4000 devs and used it China's spcae program and other industries. And it's been rumored that China's industrial control response team fo cyber energencies was big bakcer of the poject.
  10. ghostanon

    Officially introducing myself

    I'm not much on talking about myself but I'll try to answer what is usually a leading question. Yes, I'm anonymous, since 2012. Back then you might say it was a different time, alot call it the golden age of hacking. I actually started on 4chan be crude and obnoxious for laughs. I became...
  11. ghostanon

    Question for Mods

    Can one of the mods contact me via private message? I have a quick question. Thank you.
  12. ghostanon

    Need some assistance

    Thought I would check over here at the gaming community and see if I could pick your brains. I have a new 7900xtx that I had working for a minute, sort of. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get OpenCL to to go in this. The closest I got was missing a glx1100 file from mesa/mesa...
  13. ghostanon

    7900XTX & Hashcat

    So I finally got OpenCL to function in hashcat so as a test I got 20 passwords and generated a sha1 hash for each. With that GPU hashcat ripped out 14 of 20 in 1 second. Not exactly a test I guess. So now I'm about to try 250 passwords hashed to sha256. I will post results. Hopefully not in...
  14. ghostanon

    You guys are aces

    I just wanted to say that having only been here a couple days and coming straight out and asking for some help, everyone so far has been very helpful and very friendly. That's not always the case on forums. I just wanted to say you guys are doing it right. I hope I am able to help out others...
  15. ghostanon

    Anyone Heard of Seigedsec.

    If you haven't I wouldn't be surprised. They popped up on twitter a few days ago and I thought they were a joke at first. Long story short, these idiots, which I think are U.S. based (that's code for they're probably already in custody) and they popped up bragging about....get this...stealing...
  16. ghostanon

    It's out of control

    I recently purchased a new machine and was pretty stoked about getting it. The builders of course had to use windows to test it and set everything up but I wasn't concerned. It was loaded on a cheap NVme that I just tossed. However, one of the specs for this was an AMD rx7900xtx, and I'm sure...