Recent content by Trenix25

  1. Trenix25

    Anyone here play endless-sky?

    I did see the screenshot from another user here so at least one other person is playing it. I recently downloaded the app image file from their GitHub page and my was it different. They added mining asteroids as a means of making some money so it is actually possible to play the game when...
  2. Trenix25

    Password, home directory encrypted, no passphrase problem

    You could try the rockyou.txt wordlist, or perhaps attack it with BurpSuite. Signed, Matthew Campbell
  3. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    aide crashes if I don't exclude certain system directories. It always crashes with an error, but at least gives me the daily report. aide can literally lock up the whole system if I let it check everything. badblocks doesn't work when I use it with mke2fs, whether for the read-only test, or...
  4. Trenix25

    Password, home directory encrypted, no passphrase problem

    What kind of encryption is this using? It sounds like symmetrical encryption, perhaps AES256. Signed, Matthew Campbell
  5. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    For all of Kali rolling's effort to keep everything updated I find this amazing: I just downloaded Metasploit 6.4.14 this morning for Debian straight from 1rapid7 and then Kali offered me Metasploit 6.4.12 to replace 6.4.9 just minutes later. Kali might be like a month behind. That's just...
  6. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    I really don't mind flying my fighter jet to the grocery store. It could be a problem that I'll need more than one parking space, and arrival and departure could be a little noisy. I've noticed that Kali basically has all the same games that Debian has, except for Endless Sky, which Debian 11...
  7. Trenix25

    Chat GPT

    I've been using the co-pilot on Bing every now and then. It's basically a glorified search engine, but often pretty helpful. It helped to point me in the right direction to understanding routing between local subnets. I've tried ChatGPT and gave up on it. Perhaps it's a little better now...
  8. Trenix25

    Hello Linux Nerds

    Bookmarks can be exported to a file and then imported into another browser. I exported them from one copy of the Tor browser that I was using and imported them into another copy for another user and was back up and running in no time. It was fast and easy. It's all the rest that can take a...
  9. Trenix25

    Getting Started I Hope.

    I didn't mean to burn an ISO to a flash drive. Burn to a CD or DVD and boot from that. Then use that to install to a flash drive so you have a way to fix the main system when needed. Never underestimate the value of doing this. It's priceless. Signed, Matthew Campbell
  10. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    One of the things I've noticed about Kali Linux is the frequent updates. They just gave me a new kernel this morning, and then more stuff this evening. My goodness, I'll be spending every day making backups and scanning everything. This might just become a sysadmin nightmare. Maybe if I only...
  11. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    Ok, given that Debian is such a mess, what Linux distribution would you suggest I switch to that would be considerably more secure than both Debian and Kali? I recently created a new user account and set it up. I use KDE5 for the GUI and the icons were pathetic. The older accounts were...
  12. Trenix25

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    I generally make a cold storage backup on a periodic basis to protect against such loss. I have already had to use it once when Linux screwed up my /backup partition and lost several gigabytes of data. It took hours to recover instead of weeks. I had just backed everything up like the day...
  13. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    I just want to get away from Debian because it's a buggy mess. I need to find a security oriented Linux distribution that I can use every day. Ubuntu only offers updates every six months so that just doesn't cut it. I will need security updates more often than that. Yes, they probably have a...
  14. Trenix25

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    Why would they want to deliberately add software to their "stable" release that would make the installation unstable and insecure? This is supposed to be a security oriented Linux distribution. I really don't need all that much. I'll need Firefox, XTerm, a file manager, a graphics viewer, a...
  15. Trenix25

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Boot from the installation CD/DVD or install Linux on a flash drive from the installation CD/DVD and boot from that. Then mount your root partition at a mount point like /mnt and find /etc/shadow using a command shell. Then, using a text editor, remove the password for the account you wish to...