Recent content by GatorsFan

  1. GatorsFan

    Downloaded files.

    right click on the ISO and select - cut - then navigate to where you want it and right click - paste - that will move it
  2. GatorsFan


  3. GatorsFan

    Kali linux installation

    Probably need to add "nomodeset" to the startup Hold down the shift key when booting starts. You will then get a grub console mode menu. The top option should be selected. Press 'e' key to edit that line. Scroll down to the "Linux /boot/vmlinuz- your kernel-root=UUID.." line. That is the line...
  4. GatorsFan

    Issues with starting a Linux install.

    Generally tap the F12 key at startup then you can select the USB drive to boot from - some makers like HP use the F9 key - the BIOS also has boot-up settings
  5. GatorsFan

    Do I necessarily need rufus or another tool to install an OS iso on a laptop with a usb boot?

    You can use Ventoy as well -
  6. GatorsFan

    Advantages of systemd over sysVinit

    My Expirion Linux has no systemd but uses SysVInit since it is Devuan based - personally I think SysVInit is a little faster then systemd since it uses less RAM - you can argue which is better all day long - but I think in the end it just a personal preference thing - whatever works for you
  7. GatorsFan

    Cheap Laptops

    I have had really good service from these guys in USA
  8. GatorsFan

    KDE Plasma 5.23.5 Crashes 'Solved'

    The only other thing my limited knowledge of Slackware is to reinstall KDE with the --reinstall option Package Management for Slackware PDF Hope this helps
  9. GatorsFan

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    Expirion Xfce based on Devuan
  10. GatorsFan

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    Kali is based on Debian testing again no advantage
  11. GatorsFan

    What's the advantage of Kali Linux?

    Basically there is no advantage - just popularity
  12. GatorsFan

    Deleted manjaro partition from windows now cant access any OS

    My guess is when you deleted the partition and therefore deleted the boot files along with it - I would suggest reinstalling manjaro to get the boot files back where they belong See this guide on how to remove linux from dual boot-
  13. GatorsFan

    How to mount an iCloud or a OneDrive cloud

    Have a look here -
  14. GatorsFan

    Rock Roxx

    Maybe this one
  15. GatorsFan

    Expirion is alive again

    Recently upgraded on 06 Jun 24 - LibreOffice is now 24.2.4