Recent content by darry1966

  1. darry1966

    Hey everyone

  2. darry1966

    Solved I'm having issues rendering PDF files in Firefox

    Using firefox esr 102.3 appimage on Debian 12. File rendered fine no issues.
  3. darry1966

    New to Linux

    Welcome to the forums
  4. darry1966

    Are you using Private AI yet?

    As a Classic Series Doctor Who fan I would like to put forward a positive example of AI. It is being used by fandom to recreate some of the lost stories from the 1960s by animating telesnaps combined with the sound track. As all the episodes were recorded by fans by using a tape recorder and...
  5. darry1966

    Books are Worthless Nowadays.

    Not far from Rakaia in NZ where I live there is a large second hand bookshop known as Book Barn. So Second Hand Bookshops still exist thank goodness.
  6. darry1966

    How to change Xubuntu to boot straight to desktop

    Hi Guys, Can anyone enlighten a forgetful old fella like how to change my Xubuntu 24.04 from booting to login manager asking for password to booting directly to desktop. Forgot when installing to choose that option. Do I need to modify xinitrc? Not sure what to do thanks.
  7. darry1966

    Ubuntu 24.04 now ready for download along with it's spins.

    Here is a review from one of the best reviewers on the internet about computers and Linux.
  8. darry1966

    "Generic" Linux Laptop

    I think Thinkpads and Dells would be my go tos and also Compaq.
  9. darry1966

    An Article from It's Foss About 24.04 LTS

    Ok there is a stupid bug that has not been fixed if using Google-chrome on some machines as shown here: Sorry but that is pretty lazy, as this error was in previous versions...
  10. darry1966

    An Article from It's Foss About 24.04 LTS

    I'm using Xubuntu 24.04 as I felt like a change. It seems to be running very well so far on my Thinkpad T420. As for the Snaps I am using the Xubuntu minimal and I chose a firefox appimage instead of the snap. I found snaps very slow to install. I just keep to a simple only what I need system.
  11. darry1966

    Impartiality Of Distro Choices Advocated At This Site

    I'd like to pick up on the saying in the world of Puppy namely "do-ocracy" with emphasis on the word do. A newcomer can really find their distro(s) of choice by trying different ones to see what suits their machine. You can make mistakes and learn from them and grow in your knowledge. You...
  12. darry1966

    Ditching Bill's OS

    Welcome aboard. Sounds like a good strategy regarding keeping old machine going until you get used new Linux machine.
  13. darry1966

    which one

    Hi, welcome aboard. I see this question so often. The answer is basically you need to try different ones out and see what works best with your computer. Reason all laptops and Desktops are different and react differently to different distros. So short answer your Linux journey trying...
  14. darry1966

