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  1. MikeWalsh

    Can AI Zoom the Popularity of Linux?

    Guys.......why are we even bothering here? It's now apparent that this is a classic case of "Do not feed the trolls". He's a far more intelligent one than most, granted; poses it as a discussion point.....quite earnestly, really..! But, this:- .....was a massive warning sign, and the biggest...
  2. MikeWalsh

    Can AI Zoom the Popularity of Linux?

    @jumponlinux :- So; basically, you'd like Linux to morph into a free version of Windows? Dream on, sunshine. Never going to happen. Anyway, Linux is no longer dominated by the command-line. You're living in the past if you think that's the case. "The Terminal" will ALWAYS be there...
  3. MikeWalsh

    Prefetching in Linux?

    @Debian_SuperUser :- Me, I have 32GB RAM, 5+ TB fast, SSD storage, 64GB swap space - blame HP for that, not me; if you don't suspend/hibernate the entire 32GB of RAM (regardless of the amount used) to a single, contiguous location, it throws a wobbly and refuses to wake up! - with swappiness...
  4. MikeWalsh

    How much Linux/devops do you expect a product support engineer working for 1 year fresh out of college know?

    @Brief-Wishbone9091 :- My own view, having been in both subordinate AND supervisory positions when I was working, is this.....FWIW :- IF you are this individual's line-chief, section head OR in any kind of direct supervisory capacity over them, then you have a perfect right to concern yourself...
  5. MikeWalsh

    Fedora is stiff

    .....and an FX-8350. Hm. Trouble is, all these Bulldozer-family (Piledriver/Excavator/Steamroller) chips hail from the AMD "wilderness" years, when nobody was firmly in charge at AMD and some God-awful design choices were made. And because of the weird way that AMD had split those 8 cores up...
  6. MikeWalsh

    Fedora is stiff

    @Sekullarx :- Mm; no, that wouldn't work any better, I don't think. It seems you don't quite understand what we're saying. It's not the operating system that's the's the DE (Desktop Environment) that's the RAM hog here. Granted, the GNOME desktop is the simplest...
  7. MikeWalsh

    Today's article is not useful if you just use wifi...

    Slight 'red-herring' here; not exactly on-topic, but related. Going back some years, we used to be on a "capped" connection - only so many GB per month (I think it was around 10 GB). So; I had to watch bandwidth usage like a hawk! Long ago, I found this bandwidth monitoring package from a guy...
  8. MikeWalsh

    Problem creating the bootable USB stick with Etcher

    @rAIner-linux :- Welcome to the Forum. You're not the only who hasn't had any luck with Etcher. Despite it being the number one recommended installer utility in the Linux world, it won't work for us in the Puppy Linux community. Etcher doesn't understand about decompressing read-only SFS...
  9. MikeWalsh

    Just a sleepy question.

    @noelw :- Suspend is the usual mode of operation for me. I'll often stick with one particular occupant of the "kennels" for several days, suspending overnight & shutting the monitor off. I'll eventually feel like a change, and will switch to another Puppy. In my case, it makes very little...
  10. MikeWalsh

    Got a new PC

    I'm not too far off that. My primary on the HP desktop rig - a 1 TB Crucial MX500 SSD - is pretty close; if I run the 'dd'-based 'DriveSpeed!' ( a utility I put together that uses dd's ability to test and output data transfer rates), I consistently get a write speed of around 290 MB/s, and read...
  11. MikeWalsh

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    Touch-screen, perhaps? Maybe noelw uses an on-screen, virtual keyboard. No reason why it couldn't work, though it wouldn't be MY preferred way of doing things. I'm essentially a tactile individual, and much prefer stuff I can feel and physically interact with..... Mike. :)
  12. MikeWalsh

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    Slight redesign on my daily driver, currently a highly-customized/hugely upgraded Puppy Xenialpup64 7.5:- I've taken as a base the desktop background from my even more highly-modified Slacko Puppy 5.6.0.......but changed the colour slightly, along with streamlining and tidying-up many of the...
  13. MikeWalsh

    Which linux best for dual core processor

    To this I would add that the recent Void Linux-based "Kennel Linux" OSs are very much worth looking at, too. The original Kennel Linux variant - and the most mature - KLV "Airedale" uses the XFCE/Thunar combo, and is updateable via Void's XBPS package management system. Behind the scenes, it...
  14. MikeWalsh

    about installing

    I've multi-booted for many years.......but I AM talking "only Linux" here (and Puppy Linux in particular). I have everything set-up in such a way that I can 'share' a lot of stuff between Pups - apps, as well as data - and can 'swap' Puppies mid-way through a project, then pick it up again in...
  15. MikeWalsh

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    Welllll..... I've just finished backing-up all dozen or so current occupants of the 'kennels'. Which has taken me about 40-45 minutes, in total... An hour well-spent. And that runs in the background, while I'm getting on with other stuff... Mike.
  16. MikeWalsh

    cpu turning off by itself

    Mm. Sounds to me like it could simply be a bad ISO download. It does happen, from time to time. The internet is pretty reliable, for the most part.......but it's still far from perfect. Did you also download the checksum, and make sure the ISO was clean & error-free, before installing it? What...
  17. MikeWalsh

    how to use <Windows.h> c++

    @CaffeineAddict :- I was just replying to a post made today. But yeah; you're right. I hadn't noticed.... :oops: :p Mike.
  18. MikeWalsh

    Installing AMD GPU on Ubuntu 22.04

    @wolly :- Please answer the question you're actually asked. You keep evading the questions we need answers to and just concentrating on what you're interested in. We can't help you like this. IF you interact with us, and answer questions when they're asked, you might just find that you'll get...
  19. MikeWalsh

    Cloud Storage

    Yup; that would work, too. Mike. :p
  20. MikeWalsh

    Solved Good intuitive Linux CAD program?

    There's also EagleCAD. Yes, you do need to create an a/c, but it runs entirely locally, is free to use, and should be immediately familiar to anyone that's ever used AutoCAD.......'cos it comes from the same people (AutoDesk). (Oops; my mistake. It appears the "free" version I downloaded and...