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  1. InvaderSumo


    I'm using FocusWriter to write a full scale novel on a highly researched subject. I was just wondering if it was possible, and if anyone knows how to insert an image into the middle of a word document. so that if i turned the document into an EBOOK or PDF file. Within the chapters I can insert...
  2. InvaderSumo

    Weird issue when using apt update

    I did sudo apt update and it gave me this. W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the...
  3. InvaderSumo

    web hosting

    This isn't really relative to Linux, But I'd rather have recommendations from Linux users. So I created my first complete webpage using HTML and some CSS elements. Now I want it to be viewable by people all over the world LMAOOOOOO!!!! So obviously I need a good cheap web-hosting provider. One...
  4. InvaderSumo


    What is Qsynth used for??? popped up after downloading lutris
  5. InvaderSumo

    PDF file.

    So I have a 600-page long pdf file. I need to check all pages for spelling errors. Is there a program that does this automatically??? I am asking because this is a project. Maybe someone knows of some type of script that will rewrite these pages for me? if so that would be awesome.
  6. InvaderSumo

    PDF to Microsoft Word File

    So I wanna start a project, and the project requires me to be able to convert pdf files to microsoft word files. Does anybody know how i would do that on debian? an examble would be, lets say i had 1000 pages in the form of a pdf file. But i dont want to use an online service. Id like to be...
  7. InvaderSumo

    Making money on Linux lmao

    has anybody actually made a genuine amount of money with ClickWorker? or OneForma? OneForma is actually kind of difficult. They use .pdf files that don't offer easy navigation, And they do not speak to there audiences with a passive voice. nearly every single word they use is a word your average...
  8. InvaderSumo


    Has anybody used Anonsurf on debian 12 before? if so, could you give a tutorial? Im asking becuase it seems like its the best free alternative to vpns that sell our information in order to pay for their servers. Which in turn makes the free "vpn" useless.
  9. InvaderSumo

    Sudo problems

    Sudo apt-get update gives me this: Debian is not in the sudoers file. Any fix?
  10. InvaderSumo

    Linux Headers messing up?

    been trying to install things and keep getting dpkg errors.. this is the error does anybody know how to fix this? sudo apt install --fix-broken Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not...
  11. InvaderSumo

    dpkg error code 1 every time installing with apt

    I used apt to install apt, and today durring anything I would install I kept getting the same error... i tried install lynis with sudo apt install lynis. this is the output. need help. debian@debian:~$ sudo apt install lynis Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading...
  12. InvaderSumo

    Android-studio with a lock sign next to it

    So I downloaded and installed android studio on my debian 12 system about a month ago. and I removed it. guess what. Its BACK! and now its under in the file location Downloads/android-studio and it has a lock symbol next to it. does anybody know how i could completely remove it?
  13. InvaderSumo

    root kits

    I can recall there being a software that automagically scans and removes rootkits that were installed onto a linux system. could anybody guide me in the direction to such software. or teach me how to look for backdoor/rootkits on my system and manually remove them? I'm asking because used...
  14. InvaderSumo


    I installed wordpress on my debian machine finding out midway theirs an easier way to to host a website without running the server on my machine. I need help uninstalling what i install briefly. heres a link i followd if anyone knows how to reverse what i did in short simple terms. i tried...
  15. InvaderSumo

    Corel Video Editor

    Does anybody know of any really good video editor software for Linux that is free, or any free video editors which we can gain access to a free license for? For example how to install Corel Video Studio on Debian?
  16. InvaderSumo

    Data Annotations

    Anybody know anything that's an alternative to Data Annotations?
  17. InvaderSumo

    Jobs #2

    So. Trying to find a "freelance" job is brutally a pain in my behind. Is there anybody on here who writes for any journals or magazines and would be willing to teach me a few things about writing for magazines and journals specifically? or any other Linux based job. thanks
  18. InvaderSumo

    I need the name for an app, but don't know the app LMAO (im a noob)

    So im learning C on and they have this thing that allows me to test my code. on the left terminal you enter the code, and on the right it shows the output. i would like to have my own personal one of those. ill show a screenshot.
  19. InvaderSumo


    Could someone assist me installing maltego on debian 12. ive downloaded the .deb file to /Downloads/Maltego/ but when i run dpkg -i (my maltego file) it gives me an error
  20. InvaderSumo


    Does anybody know any companies who are hiring people for freelance writing & or coding remotely that also train people as they go?