Post a screenshot of your Desktop


Jumped into Linux last year with Fedora dual boot on my 2017 MacBook Air.

Last week, I switched to KDE DE and am loving it. Couldn't get transparent conky to stay on the desktop so I just left it out.
i LOVED that conky - i am a subscriber to "real men can wear pink and eat quiche"

Oh, Oh another clean desktop. Look out!:p
Ha, well, yeah. Still in the process of getting everything installed that I normally use. Will be tweaking things as I go.

Also, in case anyone's curious, the DE is the latest Cinnamon in Mint 19.3. I'm really liking it so far, as it's lightweight and not too resource intensive.

Additionally; I've also discovered to my pleasant surprise that the little beast of a laptop will run Rise of the Tomb Raider. So that will be fun to play around with as time passes. I haven't picked up Shadow of the Tomb Raider, so we'll see on that one, although I doubt it will run as well.

Have fun all :)
OK, seeing as we're starting from scratch with the new - I figured we may as well resurrect this classic thread in the Desktop section..... Simply post a screenshot of your Desktop!

Here's my current desktop - dwm running on Debian testing, with a fairly vanilla conky config:
View attachment 4 NOTE: Normally I have the top-bar hidden - I don't like too many GUI things getting in the way and wasting valuable screen-space. I just made the top-bar visible for the screenshot, so you could see the whole thing.

As the floating heads in Rick and Morty said:
"Show me what you've got!"
That is just way too cool !
@Leonardo_B @hawkins
G'day fellows
Mind telling me what desktop you are running?
Just interested so I have an idea of what to expect with desktops and their layouts.

"Stay home" theme.


Another "Stay home" theme.

Been quiet here the last 110 days, let's give it a bump, Jas?


This is from a Live USB on which I burned TahrPup 6.0.5 I have had kicking around for ages.

Wizard is finally making a serious foray into Puppy, obviously I will be looking to group the removable icons (my Partitions) into a folder or something, to enhance the visual effect of the very nice wallpaper.

Also Conky is supposed to be Pup friendly, we'll see.


Hi Wiz,
Yes one of the great Pup versions - One of Mike's favourites on his beloved Dell which sadly sounds like it has past on to Silicone Heaven.

One of his vids in relation to Tahr:
Been quiet here the last 110 days, let's give it a bump, Jas?


This is from a Live USB on which I burned TahrPup 6.0.5 I have had kicking around for ages.

Wizard is finally making a serious foray into Puppy, obviously I will be looking to group the removable icons (my Partitions) into a folder or something, to enhance the visual effect of the very nice wallpaper.

Also Conky is supposed to be Pup friendly, we'll see.



Hi Wizard,

There is 2 sources I found here:
and from here as recommended by JRB:
Thanks Daz :) - with the vid, King's Lynn is where Mike W lives.

