Wlan0 not showing

I have tried changing network mode too, i've changed it from "NAT" to Bridged network, it shows realtek wifi adaptor but wlan0 is not being shown on right corner
If you are using VM - NAT (Network Address Translation) will use whatever your host is using, it doesn't have any preference if it's wired, wireless or anything else. so swapping it is useless and may cause it not to work - it needs to be set to NAT and not Bridged or NAT Network

In the VirtualBox VM Settings, open Settings > Network > Enable Network Adapter > Attached to: NAT.


Once the VM is running, it says that it’s connected to a Wired connection instead of a Wireless connection: this is normal - it is using your wireless connection if that is what you are using on your host machine

You only need to bridge it if you are using a USB WiFi adapter then you should see a list in the drop down menu
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