Slackel 32-bit "basic" installation and


Active Member
May 3, 2023
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It is recommended to people new to Slackware that Slackel v7.7 32-bit be installed via "SLI" as the FULL installation. Not the basic installation: otherwise it does not include Without that library, cannot have sound and cannot install Wine. :/

At first run right after successful installation, I noticed a library failing to load because it couldn't find I looked at a topic on "l____________s-dot-org" which had a solved solution but... heh heh, can't use slapt-get for this. Therefore reluctantly I installed mpg123 program which suppiled the library listed above.

That is the fix: install mpg123.

How could something, which is basic for the operating system like ALSA rely on an optional component like this?

I chose "basic" installation this time round because I wanted to install to 16GB media; the full installation wouldn't give me enough disk space for Wine and I don't care about 64-bit at this time with this operating system.

It turns out "mpg123" has to be installed on 64-bit Slackel as well to get sound working, after the "basic" installation. This is not necessary with the "full" installation. I went back on my promise because I was being unappreciative and LOL, this is Slackware, and giving me something I looked for from other systems.

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