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  1. Brickwizard

    Nvidia drivers and secure boot

    Not come across that before, what gave you that idea? it's not an essential part of windows.
  2. Brickwizard

    Nvidia drivers and secure boot

    Try just turning Secure boot off it can play havoc with linux , it should be in the BIOS/UEFI under security settings
  3. Brickwizard

    help me choose a distro for my old computer

    Brian it will only take 4gb max with that particular CPU, so not really cost-effective for a young lad, a small SSD [reconditioned] would be a more cost-effective upgrade
  4. Brickwizard

    help me choose a distro for my old computer

    Welcome the P6100 will not be the fastest around and with only 3gb of ram will restrict you to medium or lightweight builds for kit of this age some suggestions are [I do not Recomend] and there are plenty of others Mint LMDE6 Debian stable MX Linux Linux Lite Bunsen Labs see also...
  5. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    I have not used Windows for years, so I don't know if this still works, when you have downloaded your distribution, find the file in your download folder and right click, it may give you the option to burn as bootable disc, if so check the burn speed and burn the disc
  6. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    that would confirm it to be early 2010
  7. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    from where I live it is a mixed run of urban roads uk country lanes and motorway [freeway] about 1/3 each so mixed limits of between 20 and 70 mph [30-110 kph] if I don't hit any problems I should average 50 mph [80kph] distance is nothing to antipodeans around 420 K [260 miles] i am allowing...
  8. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Would that be the 2010 build with the 2nd gen I5 CPU, if so that should also run Linux with minimal problems for basic daily computing [not gaming]
  9. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Absolutely no problems try using rufus first as its on a windows machine [ if you dont have it rufus download] Go to the download site [see post 130 and scroll down, there are 2 Aussie sites and 1 NZ site about 3/4 of the way down click the green link next to the site you choose, and it should...
  10. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Ok mark, I am one of the Many Brian's Mint LMDE will fit on a standard 4.7gb DVD, I prefer DVD-r [all formats should work], BUT when you use your burning application choose a slow burn speed [it may be slow but I do not go above x2] as it usually produces fewer errors. Which machine [make...
  11. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    if you have the time any computer that runs windows xp or newer, apple os or chrome will do as long as you can connect it to the net
  12. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Seems strange to me, Having installed Linux for many people over the years, I have tended to stick to what has become the norm and set it up as sudo = administration password admin and user password user and given them a print-out how to change them [basically the same as instructed above]
  13. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    When you click on the download button on Mint it will open another page scroll towards the bottom and it will list the authorised download mirrors. [i have attatched the full page you can look at]
  14. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    yep its 08-30 here, I will be in and out all day but watching when i can [especially for that damn spammer ]
  15. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    Good point, but as it stands. he appears to have followed all instructions to re-install a password and failed. so he will need to download and make a new installation medium.. @wm460 do you have a friend /family member close by who could download and make you a new installation medium?
  16. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    direct link to Mint LMDE6 direct link to Mint 21. download page when you get the download page try and find a mirror site on the list closest to your location
  17. Brickwizard

    UBUNTU 24.04 LTS Installation Problem...

    in the meantime, if you haven't yet tried, go back to post 4 and do the checks under number 5
  18. Brickwizard

    UBUNTU 24.04 LTS Installation Problem...

    Then at the moment I am out of Ideas, something else may come to me if it does I will jump back in.
  19. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    If you are asking me, its your choice Mint 21. Ubuntu based or Mint LMDE6 are both as easy to install. to give you an idea of what you need to do to install mint [or any other Linux] see my how do I guide [link below] it is just after 7 am here so i will be around [not all the time] for the...
  20. Brickwizard

    Getting Started I Hope.

    I concur, this is something I would have done before now.