Search results

  1. tinfoil-hat

    Bluetooth Audio is bad if input and output is set to my Headset

    Hi, If I only have my Bluetooth headset to output Volume, everything works fine and with good quality (A2DP), but if I turn on both (input and output) the quality of my headset jumps to HSP/HFP, which results in poor audio quality for input and output. Any Ideas on how to troubleshoot? My Cable...
  2. tinfoil-hat

    Neural Processing Unit (NPU) vs. Linux

    Hi, the new NPU Chips will make a benefit for Windows Recall function. But what will GNU/Linux systems do with these chips? Is there already development happening? What's the path ahead?
  3. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Apt Mirror

    Hi there, I downloaded an apt mirror via package apt-mirror. After that, I created an apache2 alias like following: Alias /debian /var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror/ for testing purposes I tryed to do the following in my sources.list: deb [arch=amd64]
  4. tinfoil-hat

    Tmate Socket-Error

    Hi there, I've installed tmate and got an API Key from I get the error: Error reading from channel: Socket error: disconnected Reconnecting... (Error reading from channel: Socket error: disconnected) My config looks like this: set tmate-api-key "API-KEY-HERE" set...
  5. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Flatpak Update fails

    Hi, when i try to do a flatpak update I get: Info: (pinned) runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale branch 21.08 is end-of-life, with reason: org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version. Info: (pinned)...
  6. tinfoil-hat

    Private Messeging App Android

    Hi, I have an online friendship with someone, that has to fear politically persecution in his country and we want to chat (freely) without getting him arrested. What's the As-In-Private-As-It-Gets android App that I can recommend him? Tox? Signal? Telegram? I know already, that smartphones...
  7. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Displays go dark - Keyboard and Mouse don't do anything

    Hi, I mostly let my PC running 24/7, but now when I let my PC running for ~24h my Displays go dark and my Mouse and Keyboard don't do anything. no CTRL+ALT+Del. No CTRL+ALT+{F1, F2, F3, F4, ...}. My PowerLED on my desktop is running also the Keyboard and Mouse LEDs are on. That's very unusual...
  8. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Pleroma doesn't listen on any port

    Hi, I installed Pleroma on a LXC Container inside a Proxmox VPS. I installed it on Debian using these instructions: I want to run it inside the LXC and connect to it via nginx reverse proxy on Proxmox host, which is...
  9. tinfoil-hat

    How to get the fun back in computing?

    I used to really like tinkering with Linux and opensource software, servers and stuff. But my Distributions just works and Virtual Machines don't give a feel I get from bare metal. My servers do What they should do, no need to tinker with it. Anyone feel the same? Anyone have some hints or...
  10. tinfoil-hat

    Am I right about beeing afraid about AGI?

    I feel Humanity behaves like a child, playing with an Atombomb. Will we see Skynet or an Utopia? Or something in between? Would you create off grid computers? According to Elon Musk several years ago, Humans will need to merge with AI or go extinct. I thought he was over the top, but the...
  11. tinfoil-hat

    Move from Brave Flatpak to brave.deb // KeepassXC addon doesn't recognize KeepassXC

    Hi there, I have installed Bravebrowser via Flatpak and I wasn't able to get KeepassXC Browseraddon to recognize my KeepassXC Application. Because of that I want to move my userdata in the folder that the .deb would recognize, without loosing any data. - Any help appreciated
  12. tinfoil-hat

    Personal Websites - Share / Improve / Rate

    Hi there, I thought since many Linux users are very tech savy, maybe there are ppl here, that have websites. What do you think of sharing our websites and help others to improve theirs. With a quick search I didn't find such a thread, if there is one, please feel free to delete my thread...
  13. tinfoil-hat

    Solved Replicate Kali Linux (Bash) PS1 to other distro

    Hi there, I'd like to have Kali Linux PS1 on my LMDE, but I don't know which part of bashrc I should copy over to my bashrc to make it look like this For reference, here is Kalis .bashrc # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files...
  14. tinfoil-hat

    Solved How to launch Script in Nemo

    Hi, I use Cinnamon with Nemo File Manager and want to execute a script in rightclick of a file. How would I accomplish this?
  15. tinfoil-hat

    Bugbounty - Prefix?

    "Bugbounty - Prefix" like choosing "Solved" in Forum Post
  16. tinfoil-hat

    Compiling Pytorch - Installing Stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm with AMD Card and ROCm

    Hi there, I have an advanced Question. I want to install stable Diffusion on Debian Bookworm. I am trying to replicate this on my system: Clone ROCm via Docker sudo docker pull rocm/composable_kernel:ck_ub20.04_rocm5.7...
  17. tinfoil-hat

    Get an Offline Flatpak Mirror

    Hi there, it's possible to create an offline apt-mirror. Now I wonder, if it's possible to create an offline flatpak mirror? - cheers
  18. tinfoil-hat

    goaccess logging on Debian 12 (Proxmox)

    Hi, I have installed goaccess on my Proxmox Server and it (kinda) works. I use this to launch for troubleshooting: goaccess /var/log/nginx/access.log -o /var/www/report.html --log-format=COMBINED --real-time-html [PARSING /var/log/nginx/access.log] {242.596} @ {40.432/s} My crontab is this...
  19. tinfoil-hat

    Big Tech attacking it's users

    First Reddit closes it's API Then ReadHat goes Closed Source Now Nitter doesn't work anymore, regardless of the instance Now Youtube seems to double down Am I the only one that sees a pattern there? What can we do against this madness?
  20. tinfoil-hat

    Laptop doesn't wake up from sleep

    Hi, when I close my Laptop lid, it won't wake up from sleep. I don't know what information you need besides the distro is Linuxmint 21.1 Cinnamon