Supported LibreOffice Files



LibreOffice is a popular office suite for Linux and many other operating systems. LibreOffice contains many office programs that each support a different set file formats. Many office administrators and general LibreOffice users may find it helpful and interesting to understand each of the supported file formats.
LibreOffice Calc (Spreadsheets)
ODF Spreadsheet (*.ods)
- This is an XML-based format made by OASIS. The mimetype is "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" and the Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) is "org.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet". This is an open standard that is the default file choice of LibreOffice Calc. The file is actually a compressed zip-file that contains various sub-documents.


ODF Spreadsheet Template (*.ots) - This is a template file for ODF Spreadsheets (*.ods) that uses the "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template" mimetype. Users can make a template for a frequently used format that is planned to be used in many documents. Then, users can use the started template to make the final ODF Spreadsheet.
Flat XML ODF Spreadsheet (*.fods) - This is nearly the same as an ODF Spreadsheet (*.ods). However, the file is an uncompressed single file.
Unified Office Format Spreadsheet (*.uos) - This is a special spreadsheet format that uses an open standard. The standard (GB/T20916-2007) was made by the Chinese Office Software Work Group (COSWG) and others. This standard has been registered with the Standardization Administration of China. This file is similar to XLSX files including the zip compression and XML.
Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013 XML (*.xlsx) - This is the spreadsheet format used by Microsoft's Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013. This document is XML-based and does not support macros.
Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (*.xml) - This is an XML form of Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet from Office 2003. This later became *.xlsx.
Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 (*.xls) - Early Microsoft office suites supported this spreadsheet format. This spreadsheet could use macros. Many mimetypes exist for this file format such as application/, application/msexcel, application/x-msexcel, application/x-ms-excel, application/, application/x-excel, application/x-dos_ms_excel, and application/xls.
NOTE: Not all of the listed mimetypes are registered with the IANA.
Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Template (*.xlt) - This is the template file for *.xls files.
Data Interchange Format (*.dif) - This format is also called "Navy DIF". The primary purpose of this file format is to provide a uniform way to transfer spreadsheets from one office suite to another. The file itself is a plain-text document that has a special syntax and structure.
dBASE (*.dbf) - This is a database in the form of a spreadsheet. This database/spreadsheet supports SQL-like commands.
HTML Document (*.html) - This is an HTML file that acts as a spreadsheet.
SYLK (*.slk) - This file format is also a database and spreadsheet like dBASE files. The file itself is a plain-text file that has a special syntax and structure.
Text CSV (*.csv) - This is a plain-text file with the mimetype "text/csv". The file uses new-lines to separate rows, and commas are used to separate columns.
Office Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx) - This is an XML-based file format that is in a zip file. The format was made by Microsoft for Office 2007 and later versions. The mimetype is "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet".

NOTE: According to Wikipedia (, "the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is a global consortium that works on the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business and web service standards.".

LibreOffice Drawing
ODF Drawing (*.odg) - This is an XML-based format made by OASIS. The mimetype is "application/". This file is a zip file that contains XML files and other sub-documents. Users can use this file type to make charts, diagrams, and pictures.
ODF Drawing Template (*.otg) - This is a template file for ODF Drawing (*.odg) files. The mimetype is "application/".
Flat XML ODF Drawing (*.fodg) - This file is just like an ODF Drawing (*.odg) file except that this is a single uncompressed XML file.

LibreOffice Impress
ODF Presentation (*.odp) - This is an XML-based format made by OASIS. The mimetype is "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation". This is an open standard that is the default file choice of LibreOffice Impress. The file is actually a compressed zip-file that contains various sub-documents.
ODF Presentation Template (*.otp) - This is a template file for ODF Presentations (*.odp) that uses the "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template" mimetype. Users can make a template for a frequently used format that is planned to be used in many documents. Then, users can use the started template to make the final ODF Presentation.
ODF Drawing (*.odg) - This is the same format as described under "LibreOffice Drawing".
Flat XML ODF Presentation (*.fodp) - This file is just like an ODF Presentation (*.odp) file except that this is a single uncompressed XML file.
Unified Office Format Presentation (*.uop) - This is a special presentation format that uses an open standard. The standard (GB/T20916-2007) was made by the Chinese Office Software Work Group (COSWG) and others. This standard has been registered with the Standardization Administration of China. This file is similar to PPTX files including the zip compression and XML.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML (*.pptx) - This is the PowerPoint format used in Microsoft's Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013. This document is XML-based and does not support macros.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML AutoPlay (*.ppsx) - This format is just like the PPTX file. However, when opened, this presentation would automatically begin.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML Template (*.potm) - This is the template for the PPTX files.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 (*.ppt) - Early Microsoft office suites supported this PowerPoint format. This presentation can use macros.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 AutoPlay (*.pps) - This format is just like the PPT file. However, when opened, this presentation would automatically begin.
Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 Template (*.pot) - This is the template for the PPT files.
Office Open XML Presentation (*.pptx) - This is an XML-based file format that is in a zip file. The format was made by Microsoft for Office 2007 and later versions. The mimetype is "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation".
Office Open XML Presentation AutoPlay (*.ppsx) - This file is just like the Office Open XML Presentation file. However, when opened, this presentation would automatically begin.
Office Open XML Presentation Template (*.potm) - This is the template for the Office Open XML Presentation files.

LibreOffice Math
ODF Formula (*.odf) - This file is used to make math equations that are displayed in a similar way as LaTeX documents. This file has the mimetype "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula" and is actually a zip file. This zip file contains many sub-documents.
MathML 1.01 (*.mml) - This is a plain-text document that contains MathML which is a special type of markup language that is used to display math equations.

LibreOffice Writer
ODF Text Document (*.odt) - This is an XML-based format made by OASIS. The mimetype is "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text". This is an open standard that is the default file choice of LibreOffice Writer. The file is actually a compressed zip-file that contains various sub-documents.
ODF Text Document Template (*.ott) - This is a template file for ODF Text Documents (*.odt) that uses the "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template" mimetype. Users can make a template for a frequently used format that is planned to be used in many documents. Then, users can use the started template to make the final ODF Text Document.
Flat XML ODF Text Document (*.fodt) - This file is just like an ODF Text Document (*.odt) file except that this is a single uncompressed XML file.
Unified Office Format Text (*.uot) - This is a special document format that uses an open standard. The standard (GB/T20916-2007) was made by the Chinese Office Software Work Group (COSWG) and others. This standard has been registered with the Standardization Administration of China. This file is similar to DOCX files including the zip compression and XML.
Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013 XML (*.docx) - This is the text document format used in Microsoft's Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013. This document is XML-based and does not support macros.
Microsoft Word 2003 XML (*.xml) - This file format is similar to Microsoft's DOCX files. However, this file is not as developed and was used in Office 2003.
Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003 (*.doc) - Early Microsoft office suites supported this text document format. This document can use macros.
Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003 Template (*.dot) - This is the template file used for DOC files.
DocBook (*.xml) - This is an XML document that uses the "application/docbook+xml" mimetype. This file format can be used to make EPUB-like documents. This file can be used as an ebook. ( )
HTML Document (*.html) - This is a typical HTML file.
Rich Text (*.rtf) - This is a proprietary file format made by Microsoft in 1987 for Microsoft Word 3. The files uses the mimetype "text/rtf" or "application/rtf" and the Uniform Type Identifier is "public.rtf". The file's magic number is "\rtf". The file itself is a plain-text file that contains a special syntax.
Text (*.txt) - This is the usual plain-text file that many computer users are familiar with using.
Office Open XML Text (*.docx) - This is an XML-based file format that is in a zip file. The format was made by Microsoft for Office 2007 and later versions. The mimetype is "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document".

The listed formats below are similar or related documents that may or may not be supported by LibreOffice.
ODF Master Document (*.odm) - This document contains many sub-documents. Such a file may have a presentation, text, spreadsheet, and more all in one document. The document file has the mimetype "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master". This file is used by OpenOffice.
HTML Document Template (*.oth) - This is a template file for an HTML document.
ODF Database (*.odb) - The database file has the mimetype "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database".
LibreOffice Extension (*.oxt) - These files are LibreOffice extensions (or plugins). These files do work in LibreOffice, but these are not documents. This file uses the mimetype "application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension".
ODF Formula Template (*.otf) - This is a template file for ODF Formula (*.odf) files. The mimetype is "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template". It appears that LibreOffice v4.3.3.2 cannot create formula templates.

To convert between the various formats, open a document using LibreOffice. Then, click "Save As" and choose the desired format.


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