Fedora 39 beta


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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Been testing Fedora 39 beta for a few days. Just a couple of observations.
1. It's fast and gnome DE is smooth But I still don't like Gnome DE. So switching back to KDE.
2. Nothing wrong with gnome but it just does not work the way I like to work.
3. Can not figure out how to change the Grub2 background image on F39 Will update you if I find it. It should not be that complicated but seems to be.
4. All in all it works very well on the Lenovo t450 lappy. everything worked out of the box.
final is estimated to be out around Oct 17th. I would not install 39 on a production machine until after it's final. Betas are for testing.
But if you want to test the beta it's very complete at this stage.

I use MATE. It doesn't seem popular for some reason. But it's much more customizable than Gnome, and
requires less clicks to navigate around the menu than KDE. Some call it a compromise, I call it the best of both worlds.
I've always liked KDE but that one of the great advantages of Linux. Choices :)
I used mate for along time after gnome went to gnome 3 but found myself using KDE more and more.
Also use XFCE for a long time.
But I will agree I don't like gnome and no matter how long I use it I still always like other DE's better.
But after saying all that Fedora 39 beta KDE looks pretty good also.
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3. Can not figure out how to change the Grub2 background image on F39 Will update you if I find it. It should not be that complicated but seems to be.

"...but seems to be" - Yeah, they don't make it easy ;)

Since the thread title is non-specific, we won't go off topic if we cover it here.

Just let me know, if you want to, the content of the following:
  1. /etc/default/grub
  2. /boot/grub2/themes and
  3. /boot/grub2/themes/theme.txt
  4. Name of the .png you wish to use for background - BTW if it is a girly pic you can just refer to it as eg fred.png :p
I think that's all

BTW Dave, there is also this I posted in one of my Wizards Corner articles


if that assists.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the help. I just gave up on it. It was a JPEG file. Works on every other distro I've used but not on Fedora.
Tried changing the /etc/default/grub file to no avail. Seems Fedora 39 uses some other script to create the /boot/grub2/config file. I may come back to it later but for now have other things I need to get done. O by the way in order to show the grub menu in Fedora 39 you have to issue this command in the terminal.
sudo grub2-editenv - unset menu_auto_hide
that shows the menu, but there is not an easy way to set the background or theme as far as I can tell.
P.S. I have a Nephew and Niece who both work for Redhat and they didn't know how to do it either :(
I will give this warning to anyone trying to customize their grub2 on fedora, Do not use Grub-customizer.
1. It does not work on Fedora 39 and it makes too many changes in the grub file structure. 2. It is very hard to undo if It goes bad. JMHO.
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Seems Fedora 39 uses some other script to create the /boot/grub2/config file.

It absolutely does, but it's worse than that ... :) it's built on the fly from two sources that "fill in the gaps" from each other.
Quite a bit of these files are parameterized, it doesn't like you to edit them directly.

Take a look at /etc/grub.d you will see all the little pieces that fill in these parameters.
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