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  1. T

    Expirion is alive again

    I attempted one time a long while back before it was Devuan based but ran into some difficulties with the wired internet connection. Have you?
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    Expirion is alive again

    I just agree with mine it's easier. :p
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    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    The problem with system cleaners such as Bleachbit and Stacer is the user. The new user fails to learn exactly what each cleaning feature of each system cleaning removes. If any system cleaners are used haphazardly then yes there is most likely a good chance of breaking your installed Linux...
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    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    @kc1di @wildman Thanks for your service.
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    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

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    How to handle bloat on GNU/Linux?

    Some Linux distros offer minimal installs from the git-go although few and far between. The big mainstream flagship Ubuntu offers a minimal install that allows the user to install what the user wants. I agree that Linux distros come with unneeded unnecessary default software that developers...
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    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    This covers most users and I'm just as guilty at times.
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    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    I know I've learned the hard way and it took more than once. In my day learning the hard way was all there was nothing was easy. Tuition for the price of an education and I still have to pay every now and then which I refer to as continuing education.
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    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    This is one good thing about using Puppy Linux. Most every Puppy Linux distro after install the user creates a save file. At the end of a session or when the user is finished for the day the user can if the user chooses to save all of the work to that save file. A smart user in this case will...
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    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    I try to not keep much if anything on my computers. I store stuff onto several different USB flash drives and DVD/CD discs. Yeah I know who still uses DVD/CD discs right, Well I do and you can't beat them imo. Ain't never had one of them fail either leastwise unless someone steps on it. :p I...
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    Memorial Day 2024

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    Init systems

    A good read. I use several init Linux distros. Thanks for sharing. :)
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    Duck Duck Go

    Has for many years I remember reading this back in the days of Windows XP .
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    Duck Duck Go

    That ain't gonna happen to much money to be made from user data. Google's been collecting user data for quite awhile and I don't see anything changing. This is just one of the reasons I just don't care or worry about data collection. Every search engine / browser collects user data...
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    Duck Duck Go

    Depends what you are searching for. I know there's not much that Google blocks.
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    Duck Duck Go

    I believe just about every search engine gets results from Google. Google has the market share and has for many years. I'm not a big fan of Google but you just can't beat their search results.
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    Solved How much memory is too less memory? Is there even such a thing?

    The Wow factor. Okay so now I know.
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    Solved How much memory is too less memory? Is there even such a thing?

    I'm just now using computers with 8.0GB of memory. I can't even imagine having a computer with 32GB of memory. What kind of a computer has 1TB of memory other than a server.
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    Solved How much memory is too less memory? Is there even such a thing?

    Nope I don't think 5 is to low. Lower the level number the less writes to the HDD or SSD. I have my swappiness level set to 10. If you have a lot of memory and are using an SSD I'd set my swappiness level to 1 so that it barely writes to the SSD. I doubt that most users with 8.0 GB or more...
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    Solved How much memory is too less memory? Is there even such a thing?

    As long as it was working and doing what I wanted I never cared or thought about what was under the hood. Nowadays I do consider what is under the hood due to all of the system resources being gobbled up by the browsers and necessary browser extensions. Even using Puppy Linux the browsers and...