Search results

  1. guiverc

    The latest is LTS or normal release (Ubuntu)?

    Ubuntu has a full two year development cycle, which ends with the release of the LTS system. The full development cycle that concluded with the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, started just after the release of the prior LTS (ie. end of April 2022 after Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was released). During that...
  2. guiverc

    The latest is LTS or normal release (Ubuntu)?

    Ubuntu 23.10 is the 2023-October release, which came with 9 months of supported life, so you'll need to release-upgrade to 24.04 soon anyway. I can't think of any reason for installing 23.10 now... I'm expecting to post a warning of its demise soon anyway (it gets posted ~six weeks prior to...
  3. guiverc

    Installed Xubuntu 22.04, some observations/questions

    Alas that desktop (and many others) have it work that way.. I'm regularly switching between desktops, using LXQt right now, and that method of adjusting window dimensions works here and in many desktops, being a common POSIX desktop feature (more a WM feature really over DE). Further on some...
  4. guiverc

    What Linux distro should I use as a beginner?

    I'll add my 2c. There are pros and cons with every decision, but when it comes to DE/WM or distro I don't think it really matters. Me I'm a GNU/Linux user, and would be happy with almost any. If you make a wrong decision anyway; it's usually pretty easy to switch from one to another.. and I'm...
  5. guiverc

    Ubuntu ISO

    The Ubuntu ISOs are intended to be cloned or written to your installation media device (ie. the device itself, not a partition on the device)... I wonder if your dd command is incorrect for the Ubuntu ISOs you're trying to use; but you didn't give the dd command which is where you likely made a...
  6. guiverc

    which one

    I'll recommend mostly GNU/Linux; its the best tool for most jobs an OS is useful for. Beyond that I'd consider support; does it have support sites you'd like to use when/if you get yourself into trouble if you have friends/family/workmates who use a GNU/Linux distribution, using whatever...
  7. guiverc

    Installed Xubuntu 22.04, some observations/questions

    Comment (FYI) only. I see only mention of Xubuntu 22.04 LTS, but no specifics as to what/which you actually installed. 22.04 is a LTS, and Xubuntu being a flavor offers kernel stack choice; the GA kernel stack (ie. 5.15) being used if you install with 22.04 or 22.04.1 media; where as 22.04.2 &...
  8. guiverc

    How often do you reinstall system?

    On other boxes I had no issue with that release-upgrade, alas those were systems that had few changes and a failed or unclean upgrade didn't really worry me. The release that matters was getting the packages one at a time as the upgrade had happened whilst packages in cosmic were all LXDE, thus...
  9. guiverc

    How often do you reinstall system?

    I'm on my primary box currently, so I'll give some details as to this ~install. I setup this current install back in 2017 after numerous weeks of testing the box to ensure it was reliable enough after its purchase (refurbished hardware) in 2017. I made 4+ installs testing the install before I...
  10. guiverc

    live USB persistence w/ Casper partition vs. full/direct install

    I'm no expert with using GNU/Linux systems off thumb-drives, but have done it years ago. Years ago I used to love a Linux Mint (Ubuntu edition) that I kept on thumb-drive for use when away from home, and using computers owned by others. This was a fully installed system, just existed on a...
  11. guiverc

    New installer for Ubuntu 24.04

    The issues with ubiquity and python 3.12 probably more so, esp. as Ubuntu may not fix them (ubiquity is now deprecated). That may have been worked on already too (by downstream OSes that are Ubuntu based). They can always use calamares which Lubuntu has used since 18.10, was used by Ubuntu...
  12. guiverc

    ASUS Failed install of MINT - Cinn, Edge (but also Ubuntu 22.4-23.101)

    All Ubuntu ISOS are found at at least for current ISOs including many testing or dailies. Depending on what you're looking for, the ISO QA tracker ( can also be helpful too; whilst its focus is really for QA purposes; given the download &...
  13. guiverc

    ASUS Failed install of MINT - Cinn, Edge (but also Ubuntu 22.4-23.101)

    I'll just provide a comment in relation to Ubuntu's ISOs. Your details are unclear; I gather you tried 22.04 (but didn't specify what 22.04 ISO, if it was an ISO using the older 5.15 kernel stack, 5.19, 6.2, or newer 6.5 - as you'll do better on newer hardware with newer kernel stack media; but...
  14. guiverc

    How can I change `~/.face` file for an account in Lubuntu? I want a picture for each user.

    The infrastructure was moved (changed also) which also required DNS & other changes to reflect that change (those are done by Canonical; we can RT or send a ticket, but we cannot control when they get to it). Anyone can subscribe to ML or mailing lists where changes are reported BEFORE the...
  15. guiverc

    How can I change `~/.face` file for an account in Lubuntu? I want a picture for each user.

    There was a permissions change related to $HOME that mandates those extra steps... alas I can't recall when, and thus what release it impacts. ( it only impacted new installs, as release-upgrades from a prior release kept the older permissions meaning those setfacl permissions won't be...
  16. guiverc

    How can I change `~/.face` file for an account in Lubuntu? I want a picture for each user.

    I suspect you asked before on Lubuntu's discourse (or I've read this somewhere recently)... I'll check & add a reply (or at least better reply) there (if that was you). I'll refer you to our manual That link...
  17. guiverc

    Solved grub rescue> dilemma

    I can't really help you, but I'll offer what I'd do, and my thoughts. FYI/Disclaimer: I haven't used Linux Mint in years; and don't even know what installer they're using (it used to be a modified ubiquity from memory, but given Ubuntu has deprecated that code, I'd expect it to be something...
  18. guiverc

    Any of you familiar with these Ubuntu Studio issues, or alternatives?

    I have little experience with Ubuntu Studio, as I have little need for it. Your issues appear to relate more to KDE Plasma, more than what Ubuntu Studio adds to the base system. You do know Ubuntu Studio can be added to whatever Ubuntu Desktop (including official flavor) system you're using...
  19. guiverc

    Today's article is for those who need to know if they've already installed a package...

    I don't like the extra fix required (to metadata) if you apt install a package that was already installed.. eg. a quick look on my system will show root@d7050-next:~# apt info hexchat Package: hexchat Version: 2.16.1-1build2 Priority: optional Section: universe/net .. APT-Manual-Installed...