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  1. S

    High CPU and RAM utilization

    Hello. I have a server with Oracle Linux 7.9 installed (virtual server). I have a small database on the server (oracle). The server became inaccessible yesterday and today. When I turned the server off and on everything was fine. When I looked at the server through wmware the CPU and RAM...
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    disk not mounted, disk is busy

    my disk on the server went to read only and I rebooted, but when I rebooted I couldn't mount the second disk I partitioned in the installation. There is no important data on it, I'm trying to format it and it won't let me. fdisk -l WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'...
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    Solved oracle linux 9 network-scripts

    Hello. I installed oracle linux 9 to try it out. I don't like using NetworkManager and using ifcfg classic interface interface files for ip changes makes my job much easier. In this version ifup - if down commands are not available and interfaces are not listed in...
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    no server suitable for synchronization found

    Hello. I get the time from a windows server with ntpadte from server A to make sure the time is the same on my servers. I try to get the time from this server A from all my other servers. But I can't get the time from server A. There was a server change and it stopped getting the time...
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    Solved Disable transparenthugepage

    I am trying to disable transparent hugepage on the server. in the following command output it says to add transparent_hugepage=never". When I ran this command, the UUID part did not come as follows. So I did some research and found that it belongs to the swap directory so I added it (I think...
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    server network problem

    Hi OS centos 7 Server Dell R740XD Broadcom Adv. Dual 10GBASE-T ethernet intagreted NIC 1 Port 2: Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet I am having the following problem on my server with the features I mentioned above. When I want to give ip to the port on the 10G network card, it does not receive it. But...
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    Solved What is the difference between the two formatting methods?

    Is there an advantage of the first method over direct formatting? I will fully utilize the size of my disk parted /dev/mapper/mpatha mklabel gpt parted /dev/mapper/mpatha -s -- mkpart primary 2048s -0 parted /dev/mapper/mpatha unit s print mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/mpatha1 I usually use this...
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    X11 Server

    How can disable X11 Server Unauthenticated Access?
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    Disk select

    Hello i want install oracle linux. İ have two disk... sda - sdb .. install sdb linux. Can ı use sda /data(name) after installation
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    Linux server network card

    Hello Server doesn't see the network card after shutting it down and restarting it. not listed ifconfig list, but slot change and restart listed What is your suggestion