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  1. D

    grepping files

    I was wondering how to perform the below query using Bash code, but I don't need all code written out exactly, just get the idea how to : The question is: I'm looking for any file, or files, that contain multiple words. I don't need the name of files of which have a line that contains all of...
  2. D

    not so good code/examples

    Daily I see examples of bad code and commands and I was wondering where on this forum it would be a good place to post this kind of examples, explaining why they are a bad idea.
  3. D

    parallel commands

    What are the options if you want to use parallelism for file operation commands (like CP) on huge amounts of files ? Suppose I want to copy entire structures, but there's lots of files in the complete structure. How can you copy these files in such a way that the whole of it goes significantly...
  4. D

    ps -ef | grep whatever

    One of the annoyances that I haven't fixed yet is this: When you use ps -ef the commands are actually capped on line length, by default. I don't know why they are, but actually that suits ... ... because: say you run this: ps -ef | grep whatever (and there are processes with "whatever" in the...
  5. D

    all processes started last year

    It's the first time I ever noticed - but when I today ran : the resulting processes listed all had a start time of ... last year. I could be wrong, but I recall other systems that show a year indication, ONLY if the relevant process started more than 1 year ago. No matter what date within the...
  6. D

    backtick usage

    So you can use backticks to put the result of a command, into a variable. Example: Many years before now - 2023 - I learned that you can do the same with another syntax. This one being: I would prefer the second one because it doesn't use any unusual characters ... like, the backtick. But I...
  7. D

    start shell with a command

    Question may be simple, but I haven't come up with a simple solution yet. Here it goes: There's a script, and one of the things it does, is launching another Shell. No problem. Now, I would like a given command, or script, to be launched along launching that Shell ... but I want the Shell to...
  8. D

    Solved cursor is gone

    I had this Bash script I was using on a Red Hat (Oracle really) Linux 7 machine, which was working all fine. Suddenly, without me changing the script (I think), the following happens: The script just runs fine, BUT ... my cursor is gone. It's just not there. I can type, no problem, but you...