Recent content by vs2-free-users

  1. vs2-free-users

    Cloning just the used part of disk

    Hi, If this is a linux drive you can create a new partition table with new partitions on your destination drive. Than you can mount thje new partitions, copy your files with rsync and install your bootloader to it if required but. This is no easy way.
  2. vs2-free-users

    Today's article is not useful if you just use wifi...

    Hi, iftop is nice tool but it shows the current traffic not the network speed of the interface. nload is nice too :) .
  3. vs2-free-users

    Today's article is not useful if you just use wifi...

    Hi, as i know ip link show, shows the speed of the nic after qlen. In my case 1000 Mb/sec. ~]$ ip link show enp0s3 2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 08:00:27:42:db:2a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  4. vs2-free-users

    web hosting

    Order a server and install ispconfig. Than you can manage it via webpanel. Cheap providers are currently: has currently a limited offer for 3,57 EUR per Month. but you can currently order this only in...
  5. vs2-free-users

    Solved How much memory is too less memory? Is there even such a thing?

    Hi, I would monitor the swap. As soon as it is used, I would set an alert.
  6. vs2-free-users

    Solved Use DoT/DoH but keep UDP Port 53 free on Debian

    I think the easiest way for you is to bind the dns server to a lan ip and port. So you can UDP Port 53 inside your vpn .
  7. vs2-free-users

    The ULTIMATE Guide to Reasonable Security for your Debian/Ubuntu Linux Server for new Linux Admins

    Shutdown servers you don't need as an extension to @Aristarchus post.
  8. vs2-free-users

    The ULTIMATE Guide to Reasonable Security for your Debian/Ubuntu Linux Server for new Linux Admins

    bob446 for president :) . Can i be the second best :) .
  9. vs2-free-users

    Why Kali

    Movie based its the Distro of Mr. ROBOT .
  10. vs2-free-users

    which one

    Hi, if you are came from the World i think Linux Mint, LMDE or MX Linux is a good choise.
  11. vs2-free-users

    Debain Server hacked via SSH pw login / my pw in auth.log in clear found

    Hi, iam a fan of the classic ip(6)tables. root@12-u:~# iptables -L -n -v Chain INPUT (policy DROP 252K packets, 13M bytes) and this is only my vs2-free playground server.
  12. vs2-free-users

    [NEWS] European company releases serious alternative to ChatGPT

    I have tested gpt4all on my system but its no replacment for real chatbots. For easy questions it works but for more its currently no option.
  13. vs2-free-users

    The ULTIMATE Guide to Reasonable Security for your Debian/Ubuntu Linux Server for new Linux Admins

    I prefer the local version because here you can see witch program hold the port open.
  14. vs2-free-users

    [NEWS] European company releases serious alternative to ChatGPT

    The France-based company, Mistral , has recently released a first serious European chatbot named Le Chat. It is currently in the rollout process and is available for free. #Link #Sources...
  15. vs2-free-users

    Debain Server hacked via SSH pw login / my pw in auth.log in clear found

    Ins only a increasing counter in my firewall :) .