Recent content by richard1192

  1. R

    Seeking to install Linux on my NUC PC.

    I actually downloaded Mint, from From a mirror server located at Harvard School of Engineering. Cinnamon Edition. I got a pass on the file integrity check, but did not get the authenticy check to work. Perhaps, given from where I downloaded the iso file, this is...
  2. R

    Seeking to install Linux on my NUC PC.

    Hi. I decided that the first thing I would do, is seek to do a file integrity check & an authenticity check. On a particular webisite, I downloaded into a folder sha256sum.txt & sha256sum.txt.gpg as well as the iso file, I must be doing right because I get a sum when I run CertUtil in DOS. The...
  3. R

    Seeking to install Linux on my NUC PC.

    Hi. I think it's time to try Linux. I have a NUC PC (NUC5PPYH N3700 having a 5th generation intel CPU) to install Linux on. I've just started to do some reading up, so I might gain an appreciation of generally how to install Linux. I'll probably face hardware issues in my journey, but I'll make...