Recent content by APTI

  1. APTI

    cpu turning off by itself

    hard drive errors are the biggest cause of strange behavior. It is one of the first things I check when a client complains of the system getting slow or random freezes or shutdowns. It is much easier to rule out the hard drive using S.M.A.R.T. than to spend countless hours looking at settings...
  2. APTI

    My SSD has Died and No Backups.

    What brand of SSD is this? I have used some "off brands" and found they fail easy and are often sub standard. This is why I only sell western digital, Seagate, Kingston, or crucial. Those brands stand behind the product. Many off brand use amazon as RMA and tell you to buy a new one and return...
  3. APTI

    issue booting from usb, can't get past startup loader

    yes they do, I thought it stopped though.
  4. APTI

    Duck Duck Go

    thank you for the clarification. my confidence restored but be better if they used their own. Not good to be dependent on another company like that.
  5. APTI

    What You Need To Know About Timeshift.

    I have not used timeshift but thanks for the information. I will stick to redo for backup snapshots. It has never failed me in my 3 oh crap moments.
  6. APTI

    Duck Duck Go

    why does a microsoft outage affect DDG? I am now wondering about the not tracked thing with DDG. If microsoft or google is involved in something you can bet they are tracking and data mining the hell out of it.
  7. APTI

    which linux kernel should i choose?

    Alaikum as-salam I would like to throw fedora into that mix using lxde or xfce. I would also suggest that no matter what you choose, get rid of the microsoft office as it is out of date. Many de come with Libre office. Or you can easily install it from the software repo of whatever you choose...
  8. APTI

    Trying to install a Linux Distro on a Chromebook

    listen to brickwizard on this. he knows. but also keep in mind what you already know.... Chromebooks are disposable semi-computers. They are meant to hold chromeOS and nothing else. Many have the OS in the system and updates are limited to chrome only. You may be experiencing this. Chromebooks...
  9. APTI

    Unable To Update BIOS

    I agree with this as I am in the same boat. when it comes to BIOS if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  10. APTI

    Unable To Update BIOS

    you developed a BIOS update? I have never met anybody that could do that. Question is will the motherboard accept the update? Most BIOS updates are done with fwupdmgr or some the current BIOS has an update option and then read from either hard drive or USB drive. However unless I am mistaken the...
  11. APTI

    issue booting from usb, can't get past startup loader

    take care that sometimes the last thing you see is the last thing that succeeded. long as it is stuck on "starting" not "started". don't want to chase down the wrong wild goose.
  12. APTI

    issue booting from usb, can't get past startup loader

    in general if you hit esc during the boot while the splash screen is showing it will show you how everything is loading in the background. Do this so you can see the failures. You will have to watch and entries shoot past fast. Note anything that fails, and what the last thing that succeeded...
  13. APTI

    web hosting

    I will take the other direction and tell you who I use. I use winhost (sorry guys but I write .net websites so I use a windows host), but they have plans as low as $5 per month for hosting. html and css will run on pretty much anything so no worries there.
  14. APTI

    Installing Linux Mint

    we also used to think that a 40 meg hard drive was enough to last a lifetime. Now we would toss it out. Go big. The cost difference from 250 to 500 is negligible. For a laptop you will need to decide if you want windows at all. If not then hold the old drive and you have windows when you want...
  15. APTI

    Installing Linux Mint

    It sounds like you have windows. you also have a 250G drive. Never thought I'd say this years ago but a 250G drive is pretty small. Linux will have a field day with it if it has all of it. but windows after all the bloat will not leave you much of a drive to use. I do some small installs and...